SQRT or RSQRT - that is the question

discussion of forwardcom instruction set and corresponding hardware and software

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SQRT or RSQRT - that is the question

Post by damianmoz »

While sqrt is a basic IEEE 754 operation, I have always found rsqrt a more useful quantity (from which I can deduce sqrt anyway).

Are there any plans for a rsqrt primitive or an approximation to it?

Same question about reciprocal rather than a true division although there is potentially less justification for this.

Just curious.
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Re: SQRT or RSQRT - that is the question

Post by agner »

Existing instruction sets have several different instructions for fast reciprocal and fast rsqrt with different precisions. It will be a mess if different hardware implementations have different precision for the same instruction. Therefore, I think these have to be optional implementation-specific instructions.
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